"This presentation will cover recent advances in understanding and techniques that have seen the development of cardiac and neurosurgical management options for conditions that were traditionally not considered feasible for veterinary patients.
Since the first open heart surgery was performed at the RVC in 2005, our ability to treat cardiac disease surgically has progressed rapidly, to the point that we now run a busy Cardiothoracic Surgery Centre treating multiple patients every week. In 2012 we performed our first feline hypophysectomy for the treatment of acromegaly and diabetes mellitus, since which time we have treated around 100 cats with this condition, as well as offering a surgical management option for dogs with pituitary dependent disease.
We will discuss what we have learned during this time, how these procedures and others can benefit patients that traditionally had limited treatment options and possible future advances on the horizon.”
Presented by Daniel Brockman, CertVR CertSAO Dipl ACVS Dipl ECVS FHEA MRCVS
Professor of Small Animal Surgery at Royal Veterinary College
Presented by Joe Fenn, BVetMed MVetMed DipECVN FHEA MRCVS
Lecturer in Veterinary Neurology and Neurosurgery at Royal Veterinary College
Sponsored by Improve International
Presented at the London Vet Show 2019
RVC Clinical Theatre 1
Friday, November 15 at 4:00 PM