Feel you don't deserve to be where you are? And you just waiting to be found out? Feel you're somewhere good because of just luck or a mistake? Imposter syndrome can be defined as feelings of inadequacy that persist despite evident success. According to the Harvard Business Review imposters suffer from chronic self-doubt and a sense of intellectual fraudulence that override any feelings of success or external proof of their competence. Sound familiar? In this session Daniella and Niall will talk about this phenomenon from personal experience. Both are privileged to have held important positions in our veterinary world, Daniella as President of BVA 2019/20 and Niall as President of the RCVS 2019/20. And both know what it feels like to be an imposter.
Career Development/Wellbeing
Presented by Daniella Dos Santos BSc BVetMed MRCVS BVA President (2019-2020) British Veterinary Association, Dr Niall Connell BVMS CertSAO MRCVS Treasurer, Past President 2019/20 Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and chaired by
Dr Alex Davies Surgical Director PARKVETS
Presented at London Vet Show 2021
BVA Career Development Theatre
Friday, 12 November at 12:30
Please note this session is not RACE-approved but you can still earn a CPD certificate