Diseases of the cervical spine have a wide variety of clinical signs including neurologic signs, neck pain, and forelimb lameness. Radiography and ultrasonography are wildly used to specify the cause, e.g. vertebral malformation or enlargement of the articular facet joints.
However, due to the complex anatomy of the cervical spine both image modalities have their limitations especially in depicting axial changes. Computed tomography has revolutionised the ability to image the cervical spine in horses. Using this 3D modality, areas which cannot be imaged with routine modalities can be further assessed. Additionally, using myelography compressions of the spinal cord can be more precisely evaluated than in radiographs. A computed tomographic examination can help to shed light in clinical case where radiology and ultrasonography are inconclusive.
Presented by Dagmar Berner
Lecturer in Equine Diagnostic Imaging at Royal Veterinary College
RVC Equine Theatre 1
Thursday, November 14 at 1:30 PM