• Anaesthetic Protocols – Are They Always the Best Option for Your Patient?

    Anaesthetic Protocols – Are They Always the Best Option for Your Patient?

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    We should always be aiming for safer anaesthesia, so we will briefly examine the factors that contribute to anaesthesia safety in our patients. We will then examine what a protocol is and how to devise one; however, there is no such thing as a universal protocol and so we will further consider protocols for different patient categories such as the young healthy animal, the geriatric patient or the sick patient. We will discuss how we should check if our patient fits into a protocol category and if needs be how to adapt it to enable us to provide the best option for our patient. Finally, we will reconsider if we are really still using protocols after all!?

    • 1.Describe the components of a safer anaesthetic
    • 2.Discuss the definition of a ‘protocol’
    • 3.Formulate protocols for different categories of patients and assess if a patient is suitable for a particular protocol
    • 4.Consider how we can adjust protocols to improve anaesthetic safety


    Presented by Dr Alan Taylor BSc, BSc(Open)(Hons), BVSc(Hons), Cert VA, Dip ECVAA, MRCVS
    Clinical Anaesthetist, CityU VMC

    Presented at Singapore Vet 2019
    RVC Clinical Theatre 1
    Friday, 11 October at 10:05 AM

    Please note this session is not RACE-approved but you can still earn a CPD certificate​.