Ultrasound is a wonderful diagnostic tool in veterinary practice but is it always the most appropriate modality? Radiology has lost some of its glamour in recent years, overtaken by other modalities, yet it remains an essential tool in all aspects of veterinary practice. Its value must not be under estimated. This presentation will review multiple clinical scenarios where radiology trumps ultrasound and where radiology and ultrasound are complementary tests. There, of course, clinical situations where ultrasound is the most appropriate test for the patient. Using a system and case based approach, these choices will be explored with the aim of aiding the clinician choose the most appropriate imaging modality for the patients presenting complaint.
Presented by Dr Cathy Beck BVSc (Hons) DipVetClinStud MVS GCUT FANZCVS (Radiology)
Associate Professor Diagnostic Imaging at University of Melbourne
Presented at Singapore Vet 2019
RVC Clinical Theatre 2
Friday, 11 October at 2:45 PM