The presentation with cover the basics of identifying what is a colic and what is a false colic, the information you need to obtain from your history and clinical examination. The diagnostic tests you need to perform will be reviewed and how best to decide whether referral for surgery should be undertaken. Three different cases will be discussed to illustrate the need for a good clinical examination, diagnostics tests and procedures, rapid clinical decision making and to demonstrate that referral for colic surgery often has exceedingly good outcomes.
Presented by:
Speaker: Mr Graham Hunter, BVM&S GPCert(EqP) CertEP CertAVP(ESO) MRCVS, Equine Group Veterinary Advisor, IVC Evidensia
Presented at London Vet Show 2021
IVC Evidensia Referrals Theatre
Friday, November 12th 12:20 PM
Please note this session is not RACE-approved but you can still earn a CPD certificate.