In order to build genuine ’24-carat-confidence’ we need to be able to recognise, understand and deal with the reasons that undermine our confidence as opposed to attempting to ‘fake-it’. This session will look at 6 drivers of self-doubt which are inherent within veterinary practice. Whilst each of these drivers make us feel uncomfortable, they also have inherent long-term value. These 6 drivers are doubt (which is different from self-doubt), deadlines, difficultly, disappointment, disagreement and disapproval. It is essential to understand these drivers in order to feel more comfortable and confident when we have to make decisions even though we don’t have as much time or information as we would ideally like.
Presented by Brian Faulkner, BSc (Hons), BVM&S, CertGP(SAM), CertGP(BPS), MBA, MSc(Psych), MRCVS
Veterinary Consultant at Colourful CPD at Honorary Associate Professor Veterinary Business at University of Nottingham
Sponsored by BVRA
Presented at the London Vet Show 2019
Business Theatre
Thursday, November 14 at 3:00 PM