• The Customer Isn't Always Right: Business and Professional Ethics

    The Customer Isn't Always Right: Business and Professional Ethics

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    Business ethics, if indeed ethics exists in business is not professional ethics and for the veterinarian the ‘customer isn’t always right’ as providing a customer with what they want is at odds with what it means to be a professional. Whilst business often strives to provide customers with what they want, a profession will aim to provide what is right and appropriate. Codes of professional conduct ensure that when there is a conflict between economic interests and the welfare of the animal the interests of the patient or the safety of the public take priority over the needs of the business.

    Business/Practice Management

    Presented by Dr Tanya Stephens BVSc (USyd) MSc IAWEL (Edin) MANZCVS (Animal Welfare)
    Principal Haberfield Veterinary Hospital

    Presented at Singapore Vet 2019
    Business Theatre
    Friday, 11 October at  2.10 PM