• Taking the Surprise Out of CKD

    Taking the Surprise Out of CKD

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    RenalTechTM is a new AI model (developed as a collaboration among Mars, Waltham, Banfield, and Antech Diagnostics) that predicts whether a cat will develop chronic renal disease up to 2 years prior to the onset of disease. This presentation will review the data used to create RenalTechTM and support its accuracy, how to interpret the RenalTech Status of a cat and outline to follow up and personalized care pathways using clinical case examples.

    Internal Medicine

    Presented by Jennifer Ogeer, BSc, DVM, MSc. MBA, MA
    VP Medical Affairs at Antech Diagnostics

    Sponsored by Antech Diagnostics and Sound Imaging

    Presented at New York Vet 2019