• Saving lives in the ER: Why cats are not small dogs

    Saving lives in the ER: Why cats are not small dogs

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    Cat behaviour and physiology differs to that of dogs, they are great pretenders and often don't reveal what is wrong with them until they are near critical. When they present to the vets they often present with non textbook clinical signs making them particularly tricky to manage in an emergency. The aim of this lecture, through a case-based discussion between a critical care vet and nurses is to highlight challenges encountered when faced with unstable cat in the emergency room and provide tips to tricks to help manage them.

    Presented by: Laura Cole, Lecturer in Emergency and Critical Care, Royal Veterinary College, Lyn O'Byrne, Teaching Fellow in veterinary Nursing, Royal Veterinary College

    ECC; Feline

    Presented at London Vet Show 2023
    RVC Clinical Theatre 3
    Thursday 16 November 2023 16:50 17:40

    Please note this session is not RACE-approved but you can still earn a CPD certificate