Dr. Camilla Edwards teaches best practices for abdominal focused assessment for trauma, triage and tracking in small and medium animals. You'll learn proven techniques to rapidly identify the presence of fluid within the peritoneal and pericardial spaces using the latest advancements in wireless handheld ultrasound.
Physical examinations can only answer so many clinical questions, hence to the growing popularity of focused ultrasound exams in emergency settings. In this very practical session, Dr. Edward provides step-by-step instructions for a successful AFAST exam with the aid of Pippi, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever.
Dr. Edwards shares high-definition ultrasound imaging – comparing healthy to abnormal anatomy – to help you hone your interpretation skills and more quickly and accurately diagnose pathologies. You'll learn to identify free fluid, to assess its significance in your patient and to find out whether the fluid is pleural, pericardial, retroperitoneal or abdominal. You'll also learn about recent advances in AFAST scanning such as techniques used to screen for canine anaphylaxis.
What’s more, Dr. Edwards discusses how to, as quickly as possible, evaluate the severity of the pathology to aid in triaging your patients. You'll learn how to use high-definition ultrasound to immediately answer questions like: how is the condition progressing? Is the intra-abdominal bleeding worsening? Is the treatment that you're giving helping? She shows you how to get the answers in the images to improve diagnostic confidence and to bring reassurance the owners of your emergency patients.
Presented by: Camilla Edwards, DVM, CertAVP, MRCVS
Peripatetic Veterinary Ultrasonographer | Educator | First Opinion Veterinary Ultrasound
Sponsored by: Clarius
Presented as a Live Webinar | August 2021