• Ferreting Out the Facts - Current Treatment Recommendations

    Ferreting Out the Facts - Current Treatment Recommendations

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    Ferrets are the veterinarians best friend in that there are many reasons these animals are presented for hospital visits. Ferret treatment options continue to evolve based on the advancement of veterinary medicine. Current vaccine recommendations change due to availability of commercial products. This presentation will provide the most current ferret treatment recommendations for rabies and canine distemper and specific disease conditions. Diagnostic testing relating to diagnosing ferret diseases will also be discussed with recommendations provided.


    Presented by Thomas Tully Jr. DVM, MS, DABVP (Avian), DECZM
    Professor, Veterinary Clinical Sciences at LSU - School of Veterinary Medicine

    Presented at Chicago Vet 2019
    Clinical Theater Five
    Wednesday, May 13 at 4:30 PM