Digital disruption has changed the way businesses and consumers operate. The veterinary services sector is no exception to that trend. For vet clinics to be successful in today's world, providing optimal customer service and seamless convenience is crucial. Digitisation has become a critical success factor in achieving that objective. From digital marketing aiming to attract new customers to online appointment scheduling, automated reminders, and mobile apps, digital technologies are opening a realm of opportunities to elevate veterinary clinics to a new level of client acquisition, performance and profitability.
Learning outcomes:
- key technologies that can help revolutionize vet clinics
- the expected benefits generated by them
- practical advice for successful tech-strategy implementation
- how to choose tools that work best for your clinic(s)
Practice Management/Business
Presented by Julien Renard
Director of Business Development at Vetstoria Pvt Ltd
Supported by Vetstoria
Presented at Chicago Vet 2019
Business Theater
Thursday, May 14 at 5:10 PM