• Can I really block this? Surgical and medical applications of local anaesthesia

    Can I really block this? Surgical and medical applications of local anaesthesia

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    Get the nerve to do some blocks! Local anaesthetic drugs are effective, easy to use and inexpensive. The use of local/regional blocks improves anaesthetic safety by allowing the patient to be maintained at a lower dose of inhalant, thus decreasing inhalant-mediated cardiovascular and respiratory depression. Local anaesthetic blockade decreases pain, both intra- and post-operatively. In humans, local blocks have been shown to decrease the likelihood of the development of chronic pain. The use of local anaesthetics decreases the need to administer drugs like opioids that can cause adverse effects. So why don’t we use the blocks more? Maybe we just need someone to show us how! The lecture will cover a step-by-step description and video demonstration of local blocks that can be used in any practice.


    Presented by: 

    Chair: Professor David Church, BVSc PhD MACVSc FHEA MRCVS, Deputy Principal and Acting Vice Principal, Professor of Small Animal Studies, The Royal Veterinary College
    Dr Tamara Grubb, DVM PhD DACVAA, Adjunct Professor, Washington State University


    Presented at London Vet Show 2021
    RVC Clinical Theatre 1
    Thursday, November 11th 15:30 PM

    Please note this session is not RACE-approved but you can still earn a CPD certificate.