Demand for puppies shows no sign of abating and in the age of the ‘now culture’ people are turning to the internet to find puppies, often via irresponsible breeders or illegal importers. Some UK-based large-scale breeders are now asking what it would take for the animal welfare community to accept them and support what they are doing to meet this ever-increasing demand.
But could large-scale breeders ever fulfil the health and welfare needs of the puppies and their mothers? In this session we tackle this fundamental question from different perspectives exploring whether it could be done from a regulatory point of view, and whether it should be done from an ethical point of view.
Practice Management
Presented by Sean Wensley, BVSc MSc FRCVSSenior Veterinary Surgeon (Communication and Education) at PDSA
Presented by Chris Laurence, MBE QVRM TD BVSc FRCVS
Chair of Trustees at Animal Welfare Foundation
Presented by Rob Quest
Assistant Director at City of London Corporation
Sponsored by BVRA
Presented at the London Vet Show 2019
BVA Congress
Thursday, November 14 at 3:40 PM