Performing a Complete Oral Health Assessment and Treatment (COHAT) entails much more than removing plaque and calculus from the teeth. A thorough dental prophylaxis consists of educating the client, an oral examination, charting disease process, pathology and anomalies, radiographs, both supra and sub-gingival plaque and calculus removal, hand scaling, polishing, irrigation and home care instructions.
- Learn the steps necessary to perform a COHAT
- Understand the need to clean the entire tooth
- Realize the treatments available to halt disease progression
- Gain tips to make the cleaning procedure more efficient
Presented by Mary Berg, LATG, RVT, VTS (Dentistry) - Beyond the Crown Veterinary Education
Presented at New York Vet 2024
Please note this session is not RACE-approved but you can still earn a CE certificate.