OA dilemmas: when NSAIDs aren’t enough – what do I do next?
By Jamie McClement
When initial OA therapy is not enough, there can be a bewildering number of additional therapies out there. How do I rationalise them into an effective multimodal plan for my client? What are the priorities? How do I maximise my limited time with my patient?
Surgical management of end-stage osteoarthritis- what are the surgeons thinking?
By Phil Witte
This presentation will give an overview of options for surgical intervention with end-stage canine osteoarthritis for various joints. The emphasis will be on complications and prognosis following an intervention, recognising that a number of the procedures discussed will be outside the scope of routine small animal general practice.
Jamie McClement, Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Surgery - Abington Referrals
Phil Witte, Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Surgery - Cornwall Referrals
Presented at London Vet Show 2022
IVC Evidensia Referrals Theatre
Please note this session is not RACE-approved but you can still earn a CPD certificate