It is important to recognise that in managing cats with CKD that the patient is not going to grow new nephrons so Plan A is to try to delay progression of disease by feeding a specifically-formulated prescription diet and possibly also by inhibiting the renin-angiotensin system with either ACE-inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers.
This talk will consider what other avenues are available for cats with CKD, including symptomatic therapy to improve quality of life, further diagnostics to look for underlying diseases that may be treatable such as ureteroliths and pyelonephritis and whether there will ever be a role for advanced renal therapies such as dialysis or renal transplantation.
Plan B / Diseases
Presented by Harriet Syme, BSc BVetMed PhD FHEA MRCVS D-ACVIM D-ECVIM
Professor of Small Animal Internal Medicine at Royal Veterinary College
Sponsored by JHP Recruitment
Presented at the London Vet Show 2019
RVC Clinical Theatre 2
Friday, November 15 at 3:40 PM