Staying safe online is a difficult area for many people both personally and professionally.
As veterinary professionals our actions online must comply with not only UK laws on copyright and behaviour but also with the RCVS Code of Conduct and the VMD regulations.
Learn how to use images and words that don’t break copyright laws and portray a professional image.
Recognise the content that may break the Code of Conduct or VMD regulations and what to about it.
Most importantly learn how to be part of a positive online community and enjoy having a safe social media presence.
Nursing / Practice Management
Presented by Jane Davidson MA RVN IQA GradDipVN DTLLS PgCert (Clin Ed) FHEA Vet Nurse, Author, Educator and PhD student (Professionalising animal medicine: the RCVS and the VSA 1881) at University of Kent
Presented at London Vet Show 2019