• Blood and Guts - Assessment of the Patient with GI Bleeding

    Blood and Guts - Assessment of the Patient with GI Bleeding

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    Gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding in conjunction with diarrhoea is common and indicates there is diffuse GI bleeding, and the diagnostic and therapeutic effort is focussed on managing the cause of the diarrhoea. A generalised bleeding disorder and swallowed blood need to be ruled out first, but localisation of the source of GI bleeding when it occurs without diarrhoea is important to help find its source.

    Haematemesis and melaena are indicative of gastric and/or small intestinal bleeding, although occult bleeding may only be detected by changes on haematological examination suggestive of iron deficiency. Investigations then include imaging and upper GI endoscopy, but lesions beyond the reach of the endoscope may only be identified by videocapsule endoscopy or at laparotomy. Fresh blood in the presence of normal stool consistency (haematochezia) is indicative of a focal colonic bleed. Often a bleeding mass is palpable on digital rectal examination, but colonoscopy may be required.

    Internal Medicine

    Presented by Edward Hall, MA VetMB PhD DipECVIM-CA FRCVS
    Emeritus Professor of Small Animal Medicine at Langford Vets

    Presented at the London Vet Show 2019
    RVC Clinical Theatre 2
    Thursday, November 14 at 10:45 AM