The speaker is an equine veterinary surgeon currently working for the Veterinary Defence Society as a claims consultant. None of us make the correct decisions all of the time but most times we get away with it. Inevitably and unfortunately, sometimes our mistakes end us up in trouble and the VDS has assisted many of those unfortunate enough to have been caught out with matters of certification. The talk will discuss the most frequent mishaps that occur in equine practice. We will also consider the potential consequences of errors such as civil claims, criminal prosecutions, regulatory complaints with ‘there but for the grace of God go I’ examples and hopefully some top tips on how to avoid trouble.
Presented by Jonathan Pycock
Equine Claims Consultant at Veterinary Defence Society
Presented at the London Vet Show 2019
BVA/BEVA Equine Theatre
Friday, November 15 at 11:30 AM