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Canine morphology prevents standardisation of the species and that each breed has its own recognisable conformation. Breed specifics, such as their historical purpose and temperament, often permits some breeds to be naturally better movers, hence why German Shepherds are often used in the police and the various Collie breeds for herding. The objective of this research is to explore the effect of leg length and back length on stride length, during walk and trot in canines. The research was conducted using a quantitative non experimental correlational design methodology, with the purpose of exploring the relationship between canine leg and back length with stride length. The measurement of a variety of breeds and their leg lengths permitted the correlational differences between leg length and stride length to be established. A sample of 50 canines, of 34 breeds were recruited and analysed by a Veterinary Physiotherapist. Data was analysed using descriptive statistical analysis and tested for normality using a Shapiro-Wilk test. As a result, a Pearson’s correlations test was used to establish its correlation coefficient relationship. There was a positive correlation between both leg and back length with stride length, (P<.001). A high degree of correlation was found between average walk stride length and leg length (r = 0.95), back length (r =0.88), as well as trot stride length (r = 0.93). This provides evidence across a large range of breeds, with different morphology, that stride length increases with both leg and back length. These findings can then be applied and to both post operative and sporting dogs when prescribing rehabilitation and sports performance programs.
Presented by Lucinda Stott, Veterinary Physiotherapist, North East Veterinary Physiotherapy
Presented at London Vet Show 2023
Gallery Suite 2
Friday, 17 November 2023, 9:40 - 10:00
Please note this session is not RACE-approved but you can still earn a CPD certificate