• Shedding new light on roundworms

    Shedding new light on roundworms

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    Ascarids are ubiquitous to the UK and Ireland, and classed by ESCCAP as one of three “key” parasite groups that can cause severe disease, pose a zoonotic risk and have high prevalence. This panel will discuss the lifecycle of Toxcara spp. including health implications for pets and humans, with a emphasis on startling new data that has highlighted the extent of Toxocara prevalence in parks throughout the UK and Ireland.

    Presented by Ian Wright - Chair of ESCCAP and partner The Mount Veterinary Practice, Hany Elseikha - Head of ESCCAP and associate professor in veterinary parasitology, University of Nottingham and Eric Morgan - Professor in Veterinary Parasitology, Queen's University Belfast

    Presented at London Vet Show 2023
    Gallery Suite 10
    Thursday 16 November, 14:55-15:55
    Please note this session is not RACE-approved but you can still earn a CPD certificate