• Seizures


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    Is this a seizure? - what can you do to differentiate seizures from other paroxysmal episodes

    By Raquel Trevail

    Epilepsy is a common pathology seen in practice. These cases require ongoing support and management and can be challenging in the long term. Therefore reaching the right diagnosis is important. In this talk, we will be discussing how to identify what can be a seizure and how to manage it.    

    Is This a Seizure? What should I do?

    By Patricia Álvarez Fernández

    The focus of this talk is to cover briefly “ Do’s and Dont’s” for the treatment of seizures during an emergency (when the pet is at home as well as when it arrives at the clinical practice). We will also explain the approach for successful long-term management of epilepsy. 


    Raquel Trevail, European Specialist in Veterinary Neurology - Southern Counties Veterinary Specialists

    Patricia Álvarez Fernández, European Specialist in Veterinary Neurology - Pride Veterinary Referrals

    Presented at London Vet Show 2022

    IVC Evidensia Referrals Theatre

    18th November 2022 9AM

    Please note this session is not RACE-approved but you can still earn a CPD certificate