• Parasite prevention in the globetrotting pet

    Parasite prevention in the globetrotting pet

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    Since lockdown lifted and international travel for recreational purposes has increased, pet owners are getting back to thinking about taking their pets on holiday. As well as ensuring pet travel paperwork is correct, it is also essential to discuss parasite control when people take pets abroad. Where recent focus with exotic parasites has been very much on dogs being imported into the country, there is a slightly different focus for pet travel. The primary aim is to prevent exotic parasite exposure rather than assess current infections. This lecture will focus on parasite prevention in pets while they are abroad, depending on their destination and lifestyle.

    Infectious Diseases

    • 1. Review the most important parasites of concern when travelling abroad.
    • 2. Understand their health risks to pets, zoonotic implications and likelihood of establishing in the UK
    • 3. Appreciate the distributions of these parasites across Europe and how they are rapidly changing
    • 4. Review prevention strategies and advice for owners when taking their pet abroad

    Presented by Ian Wright, Chair of ESCCAP and partner at the Mount Veterinary Practice - The Mount Veterinary Practice

    Presented at BVA Live 2023
    Clinical Theatre 2
    Friday, 12 May, 10:50-11:40

    Please note this session is not RACE-approved but you can still earn a CPD certificate