• Netflix & Bill: Secrets of subscriptions and recurring revenue

    Netflix & Bill: Secrets of subscriptions and recurring revenue

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    In this talk Thom Jenkins, Co-founder and CEO of PetsApp, will help us explore what vet clinics have to learn from consumer-obsessed companies - like Netflix - about subscriptions and recurring revenue. We will look at how subscriptions can improve both our patient advocacy efforts and patient outcomes but also veterinary team happiness. We will learn techniques for encouraging subscription uptake by pet owners and how to fix leaky buckets by optimising for retention. In this way, we will seek to improve revenue quality at your clinic by removing some of the lumps and bumps, and increasing the proportion of predictable monthly recurring revenue. 


    Christine Robinson, Registered Veterinary Nurse - Veterinary Specialist Services
    Thom Jenkins, CEO & Founder - Petsapp

    Presented at London Vet Show 2022
    Business Theatre
    Friday 18th November 2022 13:30

    Please note this session is not RACE-approved but you can still earn a CPD certificate