Ferrets are increasing in popularity both as pets, showing and working animals so it is inevitable you will see them in small animal practice. There are many options when it comes to reproductive control in ferrets. It is a really important consideration given the implications for adrenal disease and the need to prevent prolonged oestrus in Jills. Most ferret owners will rely on their vet for guidance. There are many different options available and knowing what to offer and when can be a minefield. I will guide you through the basic reproductive anatomy and physiology, different methods of contraception (along with their pros and cons), and how to perform surgical neutering and vasectomy. We will talk about the gold standard approach but also tackle real life examples where owners may choose to deviate from this plan depending on their situation. This will hopefully provide the GP vet with a good foundation to confidently discuss the pros and cons of various reproductive control with their clients.
Presented by Dr Louise Ash BSc BVetMed MRCVS Veterinary Surgeon Quantock Veterinary Hospital
Presented at London Vet Show 2021
Gallery Suite 3
Friday, 12 November at 13:34
Please note this session is not RACE-approved but you can still earn a CPD certificate