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    During this lecture, approach to a collapsed patient will be discussed from the cardiology, neurological and medicine perspective. Emergency and Critical Care approach will involve ruling out pathologies such as shock (hypovolaemic, septic, etc.), trauma or hypoxaemia and the acute treatment of these

    Presented by:

    Chair: Richard Artingstall, Referrals Strategy Director, IVC Evidensia
    Speaker: Neus Elias Santo Domingo, LMV PgCert CertAVP(ECC) DipECVECC MRCVS, Specialist in Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, VETS NOW

    Presented at London Vet Show 2021
    IVC Evidensia Referrals Theatre

    Thursday, November 11th 12:30 PM

    Please note this session is not RACE-approved but you can still earn a CPD certificate.