• Cats and drugs - are they just small dogs?

    Cats and drugs - are they just small dogs?

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    Although cats and dogs are physiologically similar in many respects, and dosing regimens recommended for dogs can frequently be extrapolated to cats there are some important differences in drug disposition between the two species that can have a profound influence on dosing recommendations for cats in comparison to dogs. The majority of differences relate to pharmacokinetic differences in drug metabolism. However, differences in haemoglobin structure, receptors and behavioural differences may also account for differences in drug disposition between the two species. During this lecture we will discuss these differences and why cats cannot always be treated as small dogs.

    1. To appreciate the pharmacokinetic factors that may be different for in cats compared to dogs

    2. To review specific examples of drugs that have different dose requirements or adverse effects in cats compared to dogs 3. To recognise drugs that are n


    Jill Maddison, Professor of General Practice - Royal Veterinary College

    Presented at London Vet Show 2022

    Thursday 17th November 2022 09:15

    Please note this session is not RACE-approved but you can still earn a CPD certificate