• A blood test can do that? Liquid biopsy to detect and monitor cancer in dogs

    A blood test can do that? Liquid biopsy to detect and monitor cancer in dogs

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    Has an owner ever asked you about cancer screening in their healthy dog because they've lost a dog to cancer in the past? Have you ever discovered a splenic mass and the owners weren't sure whether to proceed with surgery? After treating a dog for cancer, have you ever wished there was an easier way to monitor for recurrence of disease? Liquid biopsy offers veterinarians and veterinary specialists a non-invasive option for cancer detection and monitoring using a simple blood draw. This session will use case studies to explore liquid biopsy applications across the spectrum of cancer care: as a screening tool for dogs with no current suspicion of cancer, as an aid in diagnosis for dogs in which cancer is on the list of differentials, as a tool to detect residual disease following surgery, and as a means of monitoring for recurrence of disease throughout and following therapy.

    Oncology / Showcase

    Presented by Andi Flory, Chief Medical Officer, PetDX

     Delivered by:

    A blood test can do that? Liquid biopsy to detect and monitor cancer in dogs
    Presented at London Vet Show 2023
    Exhibitor Showcase Theatre 1
    Friday, 17 November 2023, 15:40 - 15:50


    Please note this session is not RACE-approved but you can still earn a CPD certificate