• Avoiding antibiotics in diarrhoea management: Is FMT the solution?

    Avoiding antibiotics in diarrhoea management: Is FMT the solution?

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    Antibiotics are frequently used to manage diarrhoea (whether acute or chronic) in small animal practice in the UK. This is  despite increasingly strident recommendations to avoid their use from a stewardship perspective. The latest PROTECT ME guidelines discourage antibiotic use for diarrhoea unless the animal appears septic. How can these different perspectives be aligned? What are the alternative therapeutic options? How can we support rather than damage the microbiome? Most importantly, how can we convince owners (and vets) that antibiotics are not the solution?

    Presented by: Fergus Allerton, European and RCVS specialist in small animal medicine, Willows Veterinary Centre and Referral Service

    Presented at London Vet Show 2023
    Thursday 16 November 2023
    11:00 11:50
    Gallery Suite 2


    Please note this session is not RACE-approved but you can still earn a CPD certificate