• More than a pizza party - The truth about retention

    More than a pizza party - The truth about retention

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    Employee retention are the strategies veterinary practices use to prevent employees wanting to leaving. Maintaining a high retention rate is crucial, as high turnover can be extremely costly and impact team morale and ultimately the standard of patient care. Creating a healthy workplace culture that prioritises respect, professionalism and service is fundamental for improving patient care along with retention and wellbeing of the whole veterinary team.

    • Understand that for retention strategies to be successful, they should be crafted with these five drivers in mind:
    • Strong leadership, frequent feedback, including recognition, opportunities for advancement, competitive compensation packages, and a good work/life balance.
    Rob Williams, Head of Talent - VetPartners
    Presented by:
    Debbie Robinson, Founder and Business Growth Coach - VetNetics
    Holly Norman, Joint Venture Partner - Vets4Pets Peterborough and Peterborough Bretton

    In partnership with:

    Vert Record Careers

    Presented at BVA Live 2024
    Business, Careers and Debates Theatre
    Thursday, 6 June, 09:15-10:15

    Please note this session is not RACE-approved but you can still earn a CPD certificate