• Every breath you take, I'll be watching you: the recovery of the surgical BOAS patient

    Every breath you take, I'll be watching you: the recovery of the surgical BOAS patient

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    Monitoring of the brachycephalic after BOAS surgery is an intensive and multifactorial responsibility. These patients can rapidly deteriorate and become an emergency at the blink of an eye. Through a clinical understanding of the procedure, perpetration and a keen and watchful eye; these patients can recovery from surgery and general anaesthesia uneventfully. Returning home back to their families.

    Presented by:

    Chair: Richard Sinclair, Clinical Board Member, IVC Evidensia
    Speaker: Miss Lara Brunori, DMV CertAVP(ECC) MRCVS ECC, Resident ECVECC, Resident in Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care
    Speaker: Mr Steve Murphy, Dip AVN (Small Animal) Dip HE CVN RVN ,Specialist Surgical Nurse, Vets Now Referrals

    Presented at London Vet Show 2021
    IVC Evidensia Referrals Theatre

    Thursday, November 11th 11:30AM

    Please note this session is not RACE-approved but you can still earn a CPD certificate.