• Understanding Skin Flaps and When to Use Them

    Understanding Skin Flaps and When to Use Them

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    There are several ways one can approach a large, full-thickness skin defect. In addition to size, other factors such as etiology, anatomic location, bacterial load, chronicity, and the condition of the periwound skin need to be assessed. When a wound cannot be closed securely by direct apposition or utilizing a tension-relieving technique, then a skin flap can be considered. This lecture will present a decision-making algorithm to decide on the optimal closure method, and introduce the practitioner to basic, safe flap development for a variety of flaps. Wound bed preparation and post-operative monitoring will also be covered.
    Learning objectives:

    • Understand the importance of nurturing the wound and periwound skin.
    • Be able to evaluate a wound and consider several types of closure options.
    • Be aware of the main classes of skin flaps, and understand their physiology.
    • Learn how to develop several of the most common subdermal skin flaps.
    • Realize the importance of post-operative flap management.


    Presented by Bryden Stanley, BVMS, MANZCVSc, MRCVS, MVetSc, DACVS
    Surgery Professor at Michigan State University

    Presented during Vet Show Global Series 
    June 2020