• Collection: BVA Live 2024

    102 produits
    • Common faecal pathogens and their significance. Does every positive need to be treated?
      Common faecal pathogens and their significance. Does every positive need to be treated?
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    • Blood Morphology Matters: common clinically significant findings you might miss if you don't smear
      Blood Morphology Matters: common clinically significant findings you might miss if you don't smear
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    • Novel Techniques to Manage Gut Disease: Is FMT the Future?
      Novel Techniques to Manage Gut Disease: Is FMT the Future?
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    • Top Tips for your Neuro Exam in Practice
      Top Tips for your Neuro Exam in Practice
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    • Wound Reconstruction: Tips, Tricks and Lots of Cases
      Wound Reconstruction: Tips, Tricks and Lots of Cases
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    • Improving your Orthopaedic Examination: What it means and what you might be missing
      Improving your Orthopaedic Examination: What it means and what you might be missing
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    • Non Invasive Regenerative Medicine - LIMFA ®: The technology that repairs tissue.
      Non Invasive Regenerative Medicine - LIMFA ®: The technology that repairs tissue.
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    • Veterinary Practice Design and Building Management - What you need to know
      Veterinary Practice Design and Building Management - What you need to know
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